Tag Archives: Lunchtime

Spring Pasta

14 May

Talk about a quick to make recipe.

I added to this Spring Linguine (in my case, fettucine) baby spinach thinly sliced and salmon. Slice the spinach just like you would fresh herbs, by rolling them into log and using your knife to carefully slice them into ribbons. The salmon was canned wild alaskan salmon. I should have just bought flaked salmon because I had to carefully remove the skin and bones ( including the spine. THE SPINE) from the fish before adding it.

This was made in about 15 minutes, fast enough to serve to my mom, aunt and grandma before they went shopping. I think they thoroughly enjoy having a personal chef.


On an art note, the NYTimes beat me to it. I wanted to urge you to go see the Mourners at the Met, but  I discovered through their article that it’s closing on the 23rd. Luckily I saw it a few weeks ago, but I plan on going again Tuesday morning and returning with plenty of drawings of them. Absolutely no photography is allowed, and I could sneakily snap a photo, but I think I’ll be able to do them justice. And I want you to see them.